How You Can Improve As A Cyclist?


Your Strengths & Weaknesses

For this calculator you’ll need your watts per kg for 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes and 20 minutes, you can get this data from your ZwiftPower profile. Enter your gender and watts per kilo for each field and click “Calculate Result”.

The results are based on Andy Coggan’s power profile with some small changes, the results give you a “score” for each area so you can see your strengths and weaknesses along with information on how to improve each area.

The Calculator

Score System

The scoring works as a category and number. (1) being the highest in it’s category, and (10) being the lowest.

The Categories are listed as follows;

  1. World Class
  2. Elite
  3. Exceptional
  4. Advanced
  5. Intermediate
  6. Improver
  7. Beginner

So as an example “World Class (1)” would be the expected power level for a world record holder. “Beginner (10)” would have a lower power score than a “Beginner (4)”.


Understanding Your Results & Where To Invest Your Training Time

15 Second Score (Neuromuscular Power): This measures your ability to generate rapid bursts of power. Training involves short, explosive sprints with full recovery in between, focusing on developing quick muscle recruitment.

1 Minute Score (Anaerobic Capacity): Anaerobic capacity is your ability to sustain high-intensity efforts. Work on intervals lasting around 1 minute, pushing your limits and gradually increasing the intensity. These efforts build your tolerance to lactic acid buildup.

5 Minute Score (VO2 Max): VO2 Max reflects your body’s maximum oxygen consumption and endurance capacity. Optimal training includes intervals of 3-5 minutes at intensities that challenge your breathing and cardiovascular system, with rest periods in between.

20 Minute (FTP – Functional Threshold Power): This is the maximum power you can sustain for about 20 minutes. Improving your FTP involves longer intervals around this duration, just below your threshold, to enhance your body’s ability to clear lactate and manage sustained efforts.

Remember, a well-rounded training plan combines these aspects strategically, tailored to your goals and current fitness level. Always include adequate warm-ups, cooldowns, and recovery days to prevent overtraining and promote progress.

How To Test?

To test your zones I look at 20 minute tough efforts in each discipline to calculate your threshold power, pace and heart rate. It takes some practice and the more you do it the easier it becomes to gauge effort.

I recommend retesting regularly, typically every 4-8 weeks depending on the athlete and their goals. This is a great way to monitor improvements and update your zones so your training progresses along with your updated fitness.

I have a training week available to purchase on Training Peaks for $4.95 using the link below, this will link to your sports watch and Zwift so you can test yourself easily at home.