Workout Wednesday

Every Wednesday – 5:30pm

Please use the form to the right to book so I know you’re coming! More information is below if you want to know more about the session.

The workout is held at the basketball court at Riverside Park near Aldi. It’s next to the skate park, it’s well lit and has astroturf, however I still recommend a mat if possible so some exercises are a little more comfortable. Sometimes we might need to use the grass at the park depending on numbers.

If you would like to bring a weight with you I’d recommend a 2-6kg dumbbell, kettlebell, or homemade weight. They’re not essential as the movements are bodyweight based.

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, ability or sporting background. I can regress or progress each exercise as necessary. Just come along and give it a try!

The session is £3 for one or £10 for the month (includes Tuesday Tabata FREE!). You can pay cash on the evening, however if you’d like to pay through bank transfer please fill in the form below and I’ll send through the details and get you on the paid register.

If you’re paying on the evening I will ask for an emergency contact which I will log down in my notebook, and I have medical forms if you have any issues I need to be aware of, however please be aware you are responsible for your own medical conditions and if you have any concern at all with any part of the session you do not have to participate or I will find an alternative exercise. I hope to see you there!

What do we do?

Wednesdays -5:30pm - Riverside Park Llangollen

Workout Wednesday is a 20-30 minute fitness class held outside in Llangollen each week. There’s a mix of cardio movements to help your heart and lungs get stronger, but many movements are strength focused with the emphasis is to move your body with good form and improve the way your body functions. 

The class structure varies between a tabata style class, circuit training or HIIT and will last a maximum of 30 mins. You can bring a mat, water bottle and a kettlebell, dumbbell or weight if you want to. The exercises are bodyweight based but if you have a 2-6kg weight you want to use to increase load I will show you how to safely add it in.

Please don’t worry if it will be too hard for you, I’m there to find ways to make the exercises easier (or more challenging) so it’s suitable for everyone there. I prefer to focus on good movement rather than fast or with added load, so I’m more than happy to help get you moving, fitter and stronger regardless of your starting point.

The class runs even if we battle the elements (excluding lighting and thuderstorms, we don’t mess with that stuff!), there’s nothing better than 20-30 mins HIIT in the wind, rain, and snow to toughen up the soul and prove to yourself that you’re an awesome badass! 

Llangollen Fitness Class