11.12.22 - Panorama Walk
Meet 9am Outside The Wharf Cafe LL20 8TA
This is a circular walk. Starting at the Wharf we will head along the canal towards Trevor. We will pass the new Pocket Park where the new parkrun will loop round, and continue to the Sun Trevor Pub. Once there we will walk up the road towards the Panorama Walk.
We will head up towards Worlds End, passing the Castle. Once at the Panorama Cottages we will head down Dinbren Road and turn towards the Motor Museum where we will come back onto the canal and head back to the Wharf for optional coffee and cake!
The route is mostly canal and road (quiet country roads), so footwear can have less grip than the trail routes! The canal be quite muddy in small parts but the main muddy sections occur after where we turn off.
(Route subject to change after recce and up to date risk assessment)